"In May 2005, I listened attentively to the questions of the 30 journalists my Spanish publisher scheduled in Madrid to promote the translation of my book "Les Sindbads Morocains". From their questions, which all dealt with the veil and terrorism, it was clear that they had no clue about the strategic issue mobilizing the Arab World : al-fitna raqmiya (digital chaos), the destruction of space frontiers by the new Information Technologies (IT). The key problem giving anxiety fits to elites and masses, to heads of states and street-vendors, to men and women in the Arab world today is the digital chaos induced by IT such as the internet and the satellite which has destroyed the hudud, the space frontier which divided the universe into a sheltered private arena where women and children were supposed to be protected, and a public one where adult males exercised their presumed problem-solving authority.
1. Digital Chaos: It is no longer "to be or not to be" but "to navigate or not to navigate"
It is this kind of mind-blowing civilizational shift happening in the Arab world where men are finally embarking on becoming skilled digital nomads instead of crying about the frontiers' collapse and dreaming of harems for their wives - that I tried to share with the Spanish journalists obsessed by the veil and terrorism during my Madrid encounter in May 2005. Although the Spanish city of Gibraltar is just 13 km away from the Moroccan port of Tangiers, I realized that Spaniards had no idea about the revolution the information technologies have produced in our part of the world. And one reason for that is the fact that in Madrid's plush hotel which advertised itself as satellite-connected, I could not connect to my favorite Al-Jazeera or to any one of the 200 pan-Arab satellite channels beaming now in the Mediterranean.
At one point, I tried to illustrate this change by sharing with them the extraordinary emergence of women I saw in the Arab Gulf during a visit to Bahrain in March 2005. I tried to describe to them Mai Al-Khalifa, a historian who in less than a decade, has created modern spaces such as museums and cultural centers that encourage dialogues between the sexes and the generations. I tried to explain that focusing on this unexpected emergence of women in the oil-rich Arab Gulf is more significant an indicator than the veils of the Moslem migrant community, but the Spanish journalists were trapped in their own veil and terror. (...)"
Fatema Mernissi: Digital Scheherazade, The Rise of Women as Key Players in the Arab Gulf Communication Strategies, Excerpts from the longer English manuscript, Rabat, September 2005 In
I´d like to pick up this quotation to open up further ways of discussing the views, visions and visuality of women in relation to place and space. I my opinion the concepts of hudud (space frontier which divided the universe into private/female and public/masculinespace) and al-fitna raqmiya (digital chaos-the destruction of space frontiers by the new Information Technologies) are interesting lenses to focus on a theme with highlightens (and at the same times exceeds) the visuality of eastern women...
Further, I am not so sure that, as Mernissi suggested, western women are controlled (only) by image while eastern women are manipulated by space. For me it looks pretty much like there is not such an easy distinction, even though women´s spaces in the occidental world are very much defined by their educational backround, class and the specific cultural-religious and social conditions of the specific region they live in. And, after all it is not for long that women 'here' have or (if they do at all) have had access to 'every' place they´d wanted to. Have a look at these Harry Enfield movies:
...and the comments they rise:
M´s first response to al-fitna raqmiya...translation of an articel first published in Polish into Spanish ...
“Oprah Winfrey egipcia” no es ni una pía musulmana, ni una americana políticamente correcta. Temas de sus programas abarcan todo lo que suele aparecer en las portadas de adoquines: la prostitución, el incesto, la traición. En una de las últimas entrevistas subrayó que sus programas abrieron el primer foro verdaderamente democrático en la historia de los medios de comunicación egipcios.
Sarhan estudiaba en la facultad de las artes dramaticales en Louisville, Kentucky. En los Estados Unidos era periodista de radio y trabajaba en la Televisión Árabe americana. En Londres redactaba la revista árabe Sayidaty.
A la vuelta a Egipto, como una de los jefes del canal Dream, Sarhan tenía una idea de promover un nuevo talk-show. Buscaba a una presentadora valiente, sensacionalista, que no temiera temas difíciles, pero -como nadie cumplía sus expectativas- se promovió a si misma. Afirma que si tomaba algo por modelo, eso serían los talk-shows americanos: Jerry Springer, Late Night de Conan OBrien y Late Showde David Letterman -llenas de chistes mezclas del mundo de los célebres y conversaciones sobre problemas sociales.
En uno de los programas Sarhan preguntó a un jeque egipcio si es verdad que Mahoma aconsejó a una mujer que diera el pecho a su hijo adoptado para imposibilitar la relación sexual con su hijastro. ¿Qué tengo que hacer? -preguntó Hala- ¿Dar el pecho al cocinero, al conductor, al peluquero, para evitar relaciones sexuales con ellos?. Sí, es una buena solución- contestó el jeque.
¿Cómo los musulmanes pueden conservar los valores familiares, escuchando a una mujer tan perversa? - escribían periodistas egipcios. Discutimos los problemas verdaderos: el sexo, la religión, la política. Antes de mi programa, existía en este país una especie de talk-show, pero yo soy la primera en mostrar la verdad, se defendía Hala. La opinión pública afirmó que Sarhan exageró haciendo una entrevista con las prostitutas de Cairo. Contaron que ganaban 1,5 mil de dólares por mes, y a cambio del servicio sexual recibían la protección de la policía. Cuando -a pesar de que sus caras estaban obscurecidas- fueron reconocidas por sus conocidos, se presentaron en una cadena competitiva, para contar sobre la engañosa manipuladora Sarhan que les pagó por las confesiones. Sarhan se hizo entonces la protagonista de textos con los siguientes títulos: El escándalo de Sarhan, Las prostitutas falsificadas, Todo por el dinero. Periodistas egipcios y autores de blogs comentaban: Corrompe a los niños, pronunciado himnos alabadores en honor de la masturbación, ¡Cortar la lengua de Hala Sarhan!.
Se la procesó por violar la seguridad pública y promover una postura disoluta. Sarhan dejó Egipto en avión privado de un millonario árabe al Walida bin Talala y se fue a Londres. En una entrevista para el diario inglés Guardian llamó a sus acusadores canallas y mentirosos. Sí, queremos destruir a Sarhan - escribían autores de blogs árabes. Dirigieron una carta al propietario de la televisión Rotan, en la cual exigieron la baja de la arrogante seguidora de las activistas feministas, como la llamaron. Para Sarhan estas voces son una prueba de la hipocresía de la sociedad egipcia. Dijó que la censura más aflictiva en este país no la fijan los políticos. No temo que me juzga alguien del gobierno. De verdad la boca me puede cerrar solamente el público abnegado al falso sistema de valores.
It is the nature of Satire to emulate the thing it is parodying and attacking.
This is IMHO one of the all time classic British TV comedy sketches.
The butt of the joke here is not women; the audience you hear are laughing at the absurdity of the sexism displayed by the men.
Hi girls, just checked the 'prophets' log and surprise, surprise He has posted two videos himself called "OWN A RETARD".... yeah women r fair game and we all have 'limited' freedom of speech... BUT LAUGHIN AT SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN??? Shame on you... I wud call you a cu*t but u aint good enough ... Stick wiv ur own shameful sex x x x
PS I ain't no lesbian, I like willies!! Just can't stand the cu*t they come wiv :)
'Are there any women here?????????'
For what it is worth, teaching in England was the refuge of woman who did not want to prostitute themselves... It was appropriated by men who came up with Educations Acts '44 and '88 and there after turn it into a business. EDUCATION AND PROSTITUTION walk hand in hand now like 'The Beast and the Whore' I intellectually defer to the history of teachin by men personified by ARISTOTLE but then philosophers r without gender.Howeva,first n best teacher my MUM!
The reason that women are so unhappy is that they try to emulate men by engaging in such professions such as law, medicine, teaching and engineering. Women become frustrated at their own inadequacy and inability to do jobs that are traditionally reserved for men. Women become further frustrated when they are allowed to vote, or drive cars. They would be far happier if forced to engage in traditional women's work, such as brining up children, or gardening. Yes.
Yes, yes; quite so...
well said!
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